Mobile Awareness Announces SenseStat™ SE Obstacle Detection
Sensor System Version
on: June 8, 2009, 5:30 am
Author: Mobile
Awareness, LLC
Industry: Transportation
& Logistics
OH - June 4, 2009] Mobile Awareness, LLC, a provider of leading-edge
transportation safety
products today announced the SE (Sensor Enhancement) version
of their SenseStat™ Obstacle Detection Sensor System family
– the pioneering brand for preventing backing accidents
on commercial vehicles.
is an innovative Obstacle Detection Sensor System that simultaneously
monitors 4-zones at the rear of a vehicle indicating the area
closest to an object. It is extremely accurate (within one inch),
highly affordable and intended for use on Commercial, Off-Road,
Lift Truck and Construction Vehicles. The SenseStat SE version
is a new design improvement which maximizes protection of the
sensors, while providing greater mounting flexibility and reliability.
These features found on the SE version are further enhanced by
a full 3 year limited warranty.

of SenseStat SE is easy and adaptable to most vehicle configurations,
helping to assure the highest performance in rear blind spot detection.
The ruggedized mount maximizes performance in harsh environments
enhancing both durability and sensor protection. The SenseStat
SE can be mounted directly to the vehicle vertically or horizontally,
providing a level plane for optimum sensor positioning.
Awareness continues to see an increasing demand among commercial
fleets for more cost effective and easily installed safety
systems” says Brandon Stotsenburg, Director of Sales
& Marketing at Mobile Awareness. “To that end, we continue
to focus on new product development that offers a lower total
cost of ownership such as the SenseStat SE.”
current models available in the SE version are the Wireless (MA-ODSS-4M17W-SE),
Wired Truck & Trailer (MA-ODSS-4M17TT-SE) and the Wired Box
Truck (MA-ODSS--4M17BT-SE). Common among them are the ability
to simultaneously monitors four (4) zones in real-time, an LED
display which indicates the direction or location of an obstacle
or person, display blanking until reverse gear is engaged and
a unique stop-line adjustment feature. All systems are easily
installed in less than 1-hour on most vehicles and include a laminated
User Guide (safety instruction card) for easy driver education
& reference.
concludes, “With an estimated installed cost of less than
$500 on most vehicles, SenseStat SE provides an impressive ROI
for organizations who wish to significantly reduce costs and enhance
safety in backing environments.”
About Mobile Awareness
Ohio based Mobile Awareness, LLC™ designs and markets leading-edge,
affordable transportation safety products. The company provides
integrated accident prevention solutions for commercial transportation
professionals with its VisionStat™ Wired & Wireless
Vehicle Camera Systems, TireStat™ Tire Pressure Monitoring
Systems (TPMS) and SenseStat™ Wired & Wireless Obstacle
Detection Sensor Systems. For more information, please contact
Mobile Awareness, Toll Free: 866-653-5036 or visit
Mobile Awareness…Reducing
the Total Cost of Safety™
Brandon Stotsenburg, Director of Sales & Marketing
Phone: 866-653-5036